Thursday 12 June 2014

12th of June :)

I started the day off with 3 boiled eggs and a strawberry and banana smoothie ! For lunch I hate a breast of chicken with some salad and a bottle of water.  For dinner I had sweet patatoes with a breast and a half of chicken with some peppered sauce. After training I had protein milk (25g of protein) and scrambled eggs (2 eggs). Training: I started my training with some mobility work and a warm up of a 800m run, shoulder rolls x20, face pulls x20, airsquats x10, good mornings x10, push ups x10, ring rows x10 and kettlebell swings x10 and I repeated this twice. Strenght: I did outlaw sqauting which was 20 backsqauts with 70kg into max effort front sqauts x2 ! Then I did my WODs for today which was  a 1 mile run , 40 burpees and 50 kettlebell swings(24kg) for time , I got a time of 10.45 . Finished my 1 mile run after 5.30 mins but the kettlebell swings slowed me down as my shoulders were burning. Then after that I done a 15 minute EMOM of 2 ring muscle ups (on the minute every minute). I finished my training with rolling out on the foam roller for 15 minutes.